Invest In Yourself!

Invest in your own spiritual growth and discipleship! — One of the best ways you can support our vision to make disciples and create revival is to use our services to become more like Jesus yourself! This is not a selfish use of your resources as long as you plan on doing something with the new knowledge! Investing in yourself – your own life, your spiritual growth, and your relationship with God is a good thing. Jesus said the harvest is plenty but the workers are few.

Services and programs that help prepare you to discover and do what God is calling you to do are good investments. Most churches have worship services and many even help the poor, but not many will fill up their church with programs every day of the week so you have every possible opportunity to grow. We need more real, radical disciples of Christ! The church doesn’t need any more lukewarm-if-even-actually-saved Christians filling up the seats one hour per week to meet their weekly quota, and it doesn’t need more smug legalistic Christians who feel a sense of superiority for appearing holy.

It needs REAL disciples of Christ who are empowered and moved by the Spirit of God and mobilized by the church to help accomplish His plans in the world! Support our mission in a way that also helps yourself. By compensating us for our services you not only give to us, but also yourself the opportunity to grow and become better equipped to grow the Kingdom of God and impact the world throughout your own personal witness and ministry. Invest your one talent into yourself (for God) and we (and He) will help you multiply it for His Kingdom! (Mt 25:14-30) Learn more about our:

Make a Donation!

Make a Donation! — Support us with your tithes and offerings! We chose to charge for our training and coaching programs because we want Christians invested in their growth. We want to attract and create Christians that see the value in our offerings and the deeper purpose behind it and make an investment in our vision. We also know life gets in the way and we value more that which we’ve invested our time, talent and money into. We are more likely to stay committed to attending and cherishing the content in a program we have actually paid for. We are also more likely to take (and follow through on) the advice of a life coach or counselor who’s advice we were willing to pay for. However, we also want to offer coaching and educational programs that are affordable. Charging only $45/session for one-on-one professional coaching and low cost workshops is a bargain!

Your donations help us provide more workshop offerings and keep our costs down. You can also request how you would like your donation to be used. Pay-it-forward by pre-paying for certain types of counseling services for someone else that desperately needs it but cannot afford it!

Unfortunately at the moment donations are not tax deductible. We just do not receive enough donations yet to justify setting up a fiscal sponsorship and paying a monthly fee. Once we do we will certainly set this up. We would like less of your money going to taxes too. Please consider donating anyways! Just because donations don’t qualify for tax exemption doesn’t mean that they aren’t being stewarded well for the glory of God and the growth of the Kingdom of God! We promise to steward it wisely.

Partner With Us! — Are you limited in your funds? You can support us by becoming a partner on Patreon and sign up to donate $10, $5, even $1 a month! This will help us also by giving us stable revenue coming in so we can plan our activities better. We also plan on offering Patreon-only exclusive benefits.

Donate to Us for FREE by reading great books!

We love reading books – don’t you? I hope so. Books are an excellent way to become more knowledgeable. We’ve built a book reading list of some of our favorites. Not only will our list help you find some great books to read it also includes links right to many bookstores so you can easily compare pricing! On top of this some of the book stores use our affiliate link so if you make a purchase we receive a small commission. It comes out of their price; it won’t cost you anything. So using our links to get to their website (even if you decide to get a different book instead) is still a great way to help our ministry out.

Christian Book Recommendations Reading List

Donate to Us for FREE by shopping on Amazon using our Link!

We love Amazon – don’t you! We have an affiliate relationship with Amazon. They pay us a commission if we send people to their website and they make a purchase there. If you click our affiliate link before you go and purchase something at Amazon our ministry will earn a percentage of your purchase price. We earn a commission on almost everything you might purchase on their website so you can purchase whatever you want. This is a great way to help out our ministry, and it won’t cost you A THING! Your experience at Amazon, the way the website works, etc and all of your pricing will stay the EXACT SAME. Amazon pays us out of THEIR profits. The only thing is you have to make sure that you click this link before you go EVERY TIME! Note: If you use Google Chrome as your web browser you can also just install this plugin and it will apply our tracking code automatically any time you visit Amazon. If all of our clients and fans did this one thing alone it could cover a huge chunk of our monthly budget. Thank you so much!


Help Us Find Churches To Host Us!

Tell your church, or any of your other neighborhood churches, about us! We would love to bring our Christian Discipleship Workshops, provide IN-PERSON personal coaching and counseling, host our Christian Leaders Training Center / Small Group or our Deliverance Ministry workshops and counseling there or come there to speak about any of these things!

Please tell your church’s pastors and elders about our ministry. Have your friends and family at other churches tell their Pastors, deacons, elders, etc. about us. It could be as simple as just asking them if they ever thought of hosting more workshops or ministry training programs at the church. Or ask them how they respond when asked if they could recommend a good Christian life coach or Christian counselor. And as far as demonic oppression or deliverance is concerned most people who come to us tell us before they found us they reached out to their church and lots of other churches first and they didn’t even know how to respond. Every one of them should have our name!

There are many churches who may have a desire to make disciples and create revival but aren’t fully utilizing all of their potential when it comes to doing everything they can. Many churches have spare space and free time slots available during the week that they could be using to host additional programs and empowering their members! They could provide these things AT ZERO COST to them (and they could even EARN MONEY by renting us the space!) Help our vision by making it your personal, evangelistic mission to reach out to them on our behalf! We cannot reach them all without you. Thank you in advance!

Give the Gift of Faith-Building and Disciple-Empowering Education!

Gift Certificates Available! — Tell your friends and family about us and tell them how we’ve helped you. Or tell them you think our programs could be beneficial and invite them to join you! Do they love to learn? Feel like they’re not challenged enough? Feeling kind of lost in life and need direction? Or maybe they’re going through a difficult trial? Coaching programs, mentoring, life coaching, ministry school, or many workshops could all make great Christmas, birthday, or other holiday gifts! Are they showing an interest in ministry? Give them the gift of seminary ministry training and mentoring. Every gift to help someone becoming more like Jesus is a gift that will bear fruit! Choose from a variety of custom gift certificates here.

Volunteer for MPowered Christian!

Be a Good Steward of your Time, Talent and Treasure! — Jesus calls us all to be good stewards of our time, talent and treasure. God doesn’t want just our bare-minimum 10% – He wants ALL of us! Our main purpose in life is to play a role in God’s great story of redemption. Jesus is using His Church, and each one of us individually, to accomplish this in big ways. When we serve others in the name of Jesus we become more like Him. We also get to use our talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts to help save the lost, bring healing to a hurting world, bring justice to an unjust world, bring holiness to an unholy world, and build, equip, and edify the Church.

Volunteer for MPowered Christian! — If you can, and would like to support us financially, great! Your contributions will help us keep our workshop and coaching fees at a minimum. However, if you’re not able to donate much then do not discount the value you bring as a unique individual that God created and the Spirit empowered and wants to use! God is empowering each one of us to serve in many ways and part of our joy should discovering and fulfilling God’s plans for us. We consider it an honor that you believe in what we’re doing and a privilege to have you help support it. We would be happy to help you hone your natural talents and spiritual gifts in a way that not only helps our ministry but also helps you discover God’s calling for your life.

BONUS for Volunteers! — Volunteers who significantly and consistently contribute their time and talent to help us but are unable to pay may attend our church workshops or Bible school and ministry training at no charge. Thank you!

Need Personal Coaching? For those with limited financial resources in need of coaching, we will also allow you to donate your time volunteering and earn “credits” that you can use to purchase coaching or counseling sessions. We believe that it is important you “sow in” in whatever way you are able to. You don’t need advanced training, come as you are! We believe in you! If you are willing to learn and work hard, and you seek to advance God’s Kingdom, you will be blessed!

CONTACT US to sign up and submit your resume! NOTE BEFORE SUBMISSION: Please also tell us what area or aspects of our ministry you are most passionate about and with a general idea of how you would like to serve. Please also provide us with a list of your professional and/or personal or volunteer education, experience, activities, skills, and spiritual gifts. Tell us what area of ministry you enjoy (or think you might enjoy) and what topics you want to learn more about. Please also tell us, based on our website, vision and mission, our services and products, and the different ways we’ve listed on this page about how to help us, what are some of the specific things you could do to advance our ministry efforts?

Connect On Social Media & Leave Us Reviews!

Connect, Learn, Like, Share, Spread! — Connect with us on social media networks! Like and comment on our content – it helps it get into the main feeds! And also share our content with your friends. Share it on social media, email articles to people you know, groups you are a part of, or to your church’s Facebook page, etc. Learn, ask questions, leave comments, discuss it with others, and keep improving your knowledge base. All interaction helps us move a little forward, boost our rankings in search engines, and get the word out about our ministry. And if our ministry has helped you in any way please leave us positive reviews online so others can find us. Thank you!

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