Our Vision.

Global revival by the Kingdom of God in every city.

Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and to pray to the Father, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:33; 6:10). We’re not so unbiblical or naive to think we can or will fix the world. The Bible teaches that us the world will get worse before Jesus returns (2 Tim. 3:13; Matt. 24). However, Jesus’s commands above, and His marching orders to preach the gospel and make disciples is clear (Matt 24:14, 28:19-20).

Our vision is to pursue a world impacted as much as it can by the Kingdom of God. A world in which every single individual as had an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Christ-crucified, and be saved and revived from death to life. A world where every soul seeking God and ultimate fulfillment would have the opportunity to be restored to their Creator and Heavenly Father and adopted into the family of God. A world where all people have had the opportunity to be blessed by receiving God’s truth, find freedom in the name of Jesus, and be transformed through a relationship with their Savior.

Our vision is to pursue a world where truth, justice, mercy, love, and God’s righteousness reigns in great abundance because God’s Kingdom influences every society, country, city, family, marriage, and individual. A world ripe and ready for the great final harvest, when our Lord and Savior Jesus returns for His spotless bride, to usher in eternal life in the New Earth. Revival begins one city at a time, with a single person born again, empowered and mobilized to live as a disciple in their city.

Our Mission.

To mobilize disciples to advance
the Kingdom of God globally.

Our mission is to mobilize disciples to advance the Kingdom of God globally. To educate, renovate, set free, train, motivate, and equip disciples to see the global and eternal vision and proactively work towards it. To help them discover their identity and calling and empower them to pursue their highest potential. To mobilize disciples in every city on earth to advance the Kingdom of God by equipping and empowering them to live out their calling.

Our Strategy.

Revival through transformational discipleship.

Spiritual revival of communities begins with spiritual revival of individuals. Individual revival always begins with the person being brought from spiritual death to life by God’s grace through their genuine repentance and faith in the person and finished work of Jesus on the cross. Revival continues when that person surrenders their live to God and is transformed, sanctified, and empowered from the inside-out by the Holy Spirit. Revival spreads when that person is trained, equipped, and mobilized to identify and fulfill their life’s calling as a disciple of Jesus in ways that affect everything and everyone else around them. These three areas are key to our discipleship strategy.

  • Education

    The truth is what sets us free. We cannot have faith in or act upon that which we have not heard, understood, and believed.

  • Renovation

    Transformation occurs from the inside-out. We must first clean up our own house before trying to clean up the world.

  • Mobilization

    We can't complete our mission in isolation, without unity in love and mission, without raising up new leaders for expansion.


Teach biblical, gospel-centered truth that glorifies God, magnifies Christ, and deepens the relationship between believers and God. Teach theological truth and practical application that edifies, equips, and empowers churches and individuals to know God, bear good fruit, and advance God’s kingdom.


Promote transformation in churches and individuals to become the beautiful bride of Christ. Help believers recognize false teachings, cultural compromise, sin, and demonic bondage, and walk in freedom from such influences. Promote deliverance, healing, restoration, and sanctification in the saints, deepening their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Promote righteous, holy, disciplined, proactive, God-glorifying, and Christ-centered living from the inside-out.


Make genuine, mature, even radical disciples of Jesus that make disciples of Jesus. Train disciples to be leaders living out their faith wholeheartedly, proclaiming the gospel unapologetically, fighting the good fight fearlessly, and shining the light of Christ into the darkness relentlessly. Help them identify and be mobilized to fulfill their calling as part of the pursuit of global revival.

Make Disciples. Create Revival.

Our Discipleship Methodology