Teaching biblical truth that empowers disciples to achieve their highest potential for God’s kingdom.
President & Lead Pastor of MPowered Christian Ministries; Author of Ready Set Go, Aimless, The Empowered Christian Road Map, Get Free, MPowered Biblical Studies, and Spiritual Warfare Bootcamp; Host of Freedom Fridays and The Empower Hour.
Expertise/Sample Subjects:
- Fundamentals of Christian Theology
- Discipleship 2.0 – Effective Processes & Methods
- Preparing For War – Spiritual Warfare Bootcamp
- Spiritual Freedom and Casting Out Demons
- A Life of Supernatural Sanctification
- Developing An Empowered Christian Mindset
- Personal Leadership and Development
- Biblical Singleness, Divorce, and Remarriage
- Developing Emotional and Mental Strength
- Creating A Healthy, Balanced, Missional Life
- Discovering And Embracing Your Calling
- Aligning Your Church Vision With Members’ Callings
- Being Godly and Fearless in a Fallen World
- Difficult Theological or Cultural Topics
- Expository Preacher
- Topical Preacher
- Keynote Speaker
- Bible Teacher
- Christian Speaker
Interested In:
- Church Services
- Seminary & Bible College Events
- Nonprofit & Corporate Events
- Private School Events
- Conferences & Workshops
- Help creating your own conference
Always Custom-Tailored:
These are just a few out of many possibilities. Any of Pastor Brian’s books, courses, webinars, podcasts, Bible studies, etc are also readily available for speeches or workshops. He’s also very flexible with format: 30-minute sermon, 1-2 hour keynotes, multi-session conference, multiple breakout workshops, etc. Pastor Brian wants to know what’s important to you and how he can best support your organize and bless your members and audience. All his messages are custom-tailored for your audience and goals. Schedule a time now to discuss.
+1 727-537-6727