MPowered Christian Ministries

MPowered Christian Ministries Inc. is a biblical, gospel-centered, theologically-conservative evangelical ministry. We’re a nonprofit 501(c)3 based near Tampa, Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA.

MPowered Christian Ministries’ mission is to glorify God by advancing the gospel of salvation by grace through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ; to educate, deliver, counsel, disciple, train, and mobilize Christians towards individual and global transformation, and advancement of Biblical Evangelical Christianity worldwide.

We seek to EMPOWER and MOBILIZE CHRISTIANS to think biblically and fulfill your life’s purpose as a disciple of Jesus.


Teach you biblical, gospel-centered truth that glorifies God, magnifies Christ, and edifies, equips, and empowers you.


Guide you as a pastor and empowerment life coach to be filled, healed, sanctified, and led by the Holy Spirit, and conformed into the image of Christ, in accordance with biblical principles.

Disciple CREATION.

Train you to become a genuine, radical, mature disciple of Jesus that’s leading others to Christ and making disciples, and living out your faith wholeheartedly, identifying and fulfilling your calling fruitfully, proclaiming the gospel unapologetically, fighting the good fight fearlessly, and shining the light of Christ into the darkness relentlessly.

MPowered Christian Ministries mission is to mobilize disciples to advance the Kingdom of God globally
MPowered Christian Ministries Vision - Global revival by the Kingdom of God in every city

Our Vision

Global revival by the Kingdom of God in every city.

Our Slogan

Make Disciples. Create Revival.

Our Mission

To mobilize disciples to advance the Kingdom of God globally.

More About Us

History of our Organization


MPowered Christian Ministries, Inc. was originally just one division of its parent organization, MPowered Living, Inc., a for profit empowerment coaching organization. Brian Holmes started this in January of 2014 with the goal to help empower people and improve society through change and officially founded the corporation in 2016. As a certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach, a health and wellness professional with multiple credentials, a lifelong entrepreneur, and a self-improvement aficionado, he planned on making Christian-based coaching just one piece of the larger picture—but the Lord had other plans for him!

The Lord began to help him realize that if people didn’t know Jesus then nothing else he could help them achieve would be of any eternal significance. In fact it was these many “good” distractions that caused him to not fully dedicate himself to the Lord until he was 30 (2011)! But by late 2015 he had already begun to answer the call from God to begin focusing as much time as he could on defining, focusing, and building the ministry side of things.

The organization was reestablished in 2023 as a nonprofit organization, 501(c)3 tax exemption status was received, and a board was brought on to help MPowered Christian Ministries operate at its best. Pastor Brian’s diverse knowledge and experience in self-improvement, teaching and coaching they hope to empower and mobilize disciples to get out there and create revival!

What does your name mean? What is an "EMPOWERED" Christian?

We believe that an Empowered Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ who has fully internalized the gospel. They have been, and are being daily, more empowered by God. They have been born-again, have internalized their status as a new creation and a child of God, and are not only permitting but encouraging the Holy Spirit to sanctify every part of their being and life. They are confident of their salvation and are being healed of the wounds of their former lives. They are Holy Spirit-filled and are allowing the fruits of the Spirit to manifest in their life in the ways that they love their neighbors.

They live with moral integrity and constantly pursue righteousness, justice, and mercy. They are responsible and accountable for their character, their witness, and their actions. Their desire to become more Christ-like humbles them and they accept correction from brothers and sisters in Christ. They are being empowered by God in their purpose and calling. They have accepted the call to live in this world – and not of this world. They are harnessing and developing the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit has uniquely given them and using them to fulfill their unique calling, to build up the church, heal the hurting, bring the gospel to the lost, and make disciples of Jesus. An empowered Christian is one who is becoming more and more daily, “all in.”

(Click on graphics below to view a larger version!)

"Empower" visually defined by MPowered Christian
Why is CREATING REVIVAL important? What is your definition of revival?

The Revival we want to create is a Church and a community with growing numbers of “empowered” Christians. Perhaps a better word might be “Awakening” as in the Great Awakenings throughout church history. We want to see the church (as a whole) be on fire for God and look more like the first-century church! We want to see more in the Body of Christ reflecting the character, motives, actions, and heart of Christ.

We don’t use revival as a buzz word, meaning a movement of one particular denomination or style of Christian expression. Nor do we mean a specifically-charismatic-focused spiritual outpouring. In fact, many of the things called revival are spiritual counterfeits with false teachings attempting to replace the pre-eminence of God’s Word, the Gospel, and Christ-crucified with godless teachings and emotional or spiritual “experiences.”

We deny that everything in these types of movements has been all bad though. There has been both good and evil as a result of these charismatic-gift centered revivals. However, for the sake of clarity, when we say revival we mean purely the revival of spiritually dead people and societies into ones made alive by the Spirit of God!

Revival—means progress, improvement, rebirth, resurgence, regeneration, transformation, promotion, advancement, and revitalization—of people and cultures truly becoming God’s people and under His Kingdom influence. Our goal is to promote a massive shift away from the many deceptive beliefs and godless practices occurring in the church back towards worshipping God in spirit and truth. It will be a refocus back to the gospel of Christ-crucified that will revive those in the Church and bring everyone else far from God to healing and towards transformed hearts, minds, and lives.

(Click on graphic below to view a larger version!)

"Revival" visually defined by MPowered Christian
Are you a church? Can you be my church?

Yes, if you’re a member of our Disciple Makers Church

But if not, then no, because technically we’re not a church. Let us explain: We hope you personally believe in what we are doing, and hope everyone we work with gets involved and supports our ministry wholeheartedly and abundantly. Keep in mind also, that in one sense, WE (the people) ARE the church. So, yes, in a way we are part of your church, but not entirely. We aren’t a replacement for a local church.

It may be especially tempting to replace your local church with us if you participate in our discipleship building and other educational workshops where you learn and grow together as a small community of believers. This is because it is very much a church-like experience, perhaps even more so than what many churches do. This is very good in many ways but we don’t want you to become fixated on thinking about us like a permanent church solution.

Jesus healed, taught, spent time with, and trained disciples but then He sent them them out to keep growing His church. Because we can greatly fill the role of church in your life we can be a part of [your] church for a season. However, we hold firm that no para-church ministries (including ours) should be a replacement for a local church.

The local church is God’s chosen vehicle to transform the world. We want you to have a more rewarding, more fruitful, and more fulfilling walk with God. And we want you to worship God, learn and become a better disciple, and use your gifts, talents, and resources to help others within your local community of believers. Jesus created the institution of the church for a reason and all of these things have the most fruitfulness in the context of your local church family and small group community. We don’t want to replace this—but be a supplement to it and for it.

Through our life coaching, pastoral counseling, personal discipleship and other programs it’s our goal to help you work through personal issues and past traumas and help you identify and fulfill your individual calling, mission, and purpose. We want to empower you to be a mature disciple of Christ and leader and then send you off to invest yourself heavily into your calling and local church community. You’re welcome to continue to be a part of our ministry and help support what we’re doing but please not as a replacement for your local church.

If you’re near St. Petersburg, FL area and in need of local church learn more about our Disciple Makers Church which is a micro church/small discipleship group.

Or consider starting your own home church or micro church! We have a variety of relationships and resources we could refer you to. Contact us for more information!

Ministry Affiliations

Missionary Church (Denomination)
missionary church usa generate florida tampa st petersburg

Missionary Church — MPowered Christian Ministries is affiliated with Missionary Church, an evangelical denomination committed to being holy people of God, worldwide evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication of growing churches, all to the glory of God. They are a member of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). They are biblically grounded and follow in the Wesleyan and Baptist tradition. The Missionary Church, based out of Fort Wayne, IN, has been in existence for over 125 years and is currently in over 100 countries, with 20,000 churches, 2,000,000 members, and 1,100 full-time missionaries. Our Disciple Makers Church discipleship small group is a registered microchurch based near Clearwater, Florida and Pastor Brian is a recognized and active member. Learn more at

Generation Church (Local Church)
Generation Church, Largo, FL

Generation Church — Looking for a local traditional church in Central Pinellas County / St. Petersburg, FL area? We recommend this one in Largo, FL. They have multiple Sunday services, Monday night evangelism and new believer discipleship, Monday night Men’s Gatherings, Youth and Young Adults groups and more.

Learn more about them on their website here or about how we’re connected to them on our video here.

Christian Leaders Alliance (Ordination)
Christian Leaders Alliance

Christian Leaders Alliance — MPowered Christian Ministries’ founder, Pastor Brian Holmes, is an Ordained Minister (with higher credentials) in the Christian Leaders Alliance. CLA a global, Evangelical Protestant-based network with over 4,000+ ordained ministers in over 95 countries. All are required to earn education credentials as well as local recommendations, experience, and testimony of adherence to biblical standards. Learn more at: Christian Leaders Alliance.

Spiritual Freedom Church (Deliverance Network)
DWJD Do What Jesus Did Teams Florida

Spiritual Freedom Church — MPowered Christian Ministries is affiliated and established as an independent DWJD Do What Jesus Did® team in St. Petersburg, FL. The founding organization, SFC, is a ministry of Rev. Bob Larson. Rev. Larson is one of the world’s foremost experts on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena, ministering in more than 100 countries. He has appeared on many network TV shows, and has authored over 37 books translated into more than a dozen languages. Pastor Brian has been personally trained by Bob Larson through his school and has ministered deliverance alongside him in public seminars and private sessions in St Petersburg, Tampa, and Sarasota, FL. Learn more at and on our website here: MPowered Deliverance Ministry

Learn More about our Vision and Mission?