Great Commission Make Disciples jesus-go Harvest field


Teach biblical, gospel-centered truth that glorifies God, magnifies Christ, and deepens the relationship between believers and God. Teach theological truth and practical application that edifies, equips, and empowers churches and individuals to know God, bear good fruit, and advance God’s kingdom.


  • Beautify the Bride of Christ: Challenge unrepentant, sinful, and worldly cultural-Christianity to genuine repentance, sanctification, and a right understanding of, and relationship with, God.
  • Heal the Body of Christ: Revitalize the saints holistically (mind, body, emotions, soul, and desires) and cultivate proactive, disciplined, and Christ-centered living.
  • Equip Spiritual Warriors of Christ to recognize, rebuke, and expel demons, false teachings, and cultural compromise.


Make genuine, radical, mature disciples of Jesus into leaders and empower and mobilize them to create other genuine, radical, mature disciples of Jesus.

Edify, Equip, and Empower disciples that:

  • Live out their faith wholeheartedly
  • Identify and fulfill their calling fruitfully
  • Fulfill the Great Commission abundantly
  • Proclaim the gospel unapologetically
  • Fight the good fight fearlessly
  • Shine the light of Christ into the dark relentlessly

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