What to do when a Ouija board spirit says No to goodbye, and makes a figure eight?

 In Deliverance Ministry
Ouija Board spirit won't leave says no

I was asked this question this week. How terrifying would it be to have a demon tell you, no, it is going to stay with you forever!  I’m sure she thought that it was wrong, or lying, and left scared and wondering how she got stuck with a bad spirit when she wanted to contact a good one. I’m not one to pull punches with this stuff. It’s serious business. It’s all demonic whether they are deceptive enough to put on a friendly veneer for awhile or not. Avoid doing these kinds of activities like they are the plague—because they will kill you! My advice to her:

This demon is actually being quite honest with you. They are letting you know something that is actually very common but people don’t know it.

When you play with divination devices, and participate in a form of witchcraft, you invite demons into your life. They don’t leave just because you are done with the activity. You’ve opened the door and are now guilty of the sin of divination and witchcraft. They just gained some access to your life, your home, and your soul. And demons seek to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10)

This is always true whether they ever tell a person this or not. This is true for all the people who come to me with demons thirty years later and they trace back to the moment they did something like this as the beginning. Fortunately, this demon said something to you that caused concern and now you are getting the truth as a result of that.

Here’s what you need to do. I also recommend reading through my many other answers on the topic of demons, witchcraft, deliverance and exorcisms.

You need to acknowledge your sin. You’ve sinned against God and deserved to be punished and because of this those demons actually do have a right to stay. You sinned and they wouldn’t have to leave, even if you don’t want them there. Most people don’t want their demons to stay, but don’t know how to get rid of them. The only way to break their right to stay is for you to no longer be guilty of having the sin upon you.

You need to repent (which means to see the horrible error of and to change your mind and heart about) this activity. Decide today that you’re never ever going to participate in any activities like this again. And if you ever learn that any activity you do also invites demons you will stop that as well. If you own the board or anything else witchcraft or demonic like it throw it all away now, outside of your house.

Confess your sins to God, in prayer, in the name of Jesus. All throughout the Bible God forbids people doing divination, witchcraft, and necromancy, spiritism, etc like this and makes moral laws for the people concerning it because He knows that these activities will defile and pollute us and they always lead to sin and separation from Him and to death. (Deuteronomy 28, 30)

Atonement. Just because you’ve repented and confessed your sin doesn’t mean that it’s gone. Sin is a debt. It is a broken law that someone needs to pay the penalty for. Just realizing that you’re guilty doesn’t pay the fine. Someone has to do the time and suffer the penalty. It would be you, but there is a better way.

Jesus has already paid for the consequences of it ON THE CROSS. Trust in Jesus that He died for you, to pay the debt of all of your sins (including this one), and that He has permanently broken any right for demons to have access to you.

Draw near to Him and Jesus will protect you. Join a Bible-believing, Jesus-exalting church, invest in your personal relationship with Jesus by studying His Word and through prayer and obedience. And you’ll be on the path to a fulfilling and eternal life.

I’m sorry that you’ve had to go through this scary experience but if it has led you to the truth then it has all been worth it. God bless!

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