How To Create A Belong Ministry At Your Church
Live Virtual Workshop coming soon (click image to learn more)

How To Create A Belong Ministry At Your Church

Live Virtual Workshop:
Saturday, June 1st, 12:00-3:00 EST
Join for only $79

Our Belong Ministry combines evangelism with new believer discipleship. These are essential things to have in every church, whether they’re a megachurch or a small home church. Our gathering event process, 12 week curriculum with teaching, small groups, and activities, and volunteer training is a turnkey one you can follow to hit the ground running and be up in no time!

This unique ministry has mobilized people at Generation Church in Largo, FL to reach many people for Jesus. Helping the church grow from just 500 members after the Covid pandemic in April 2020 to having an attendance of 2,200 just three years later on Easter Sunday in April 2023!

The program features training events to train members of the church various approaches to sharing the gospel with the community throughout the week. People are then invited and encouraged to attend our weekly Belong Gathering where they are further discipled using a custom curriculum. Curriculum has been tweaked over the years using different books, and multiple event optimization and discipleship strategies.

After one of our evangelists received a dream from the Lord in early 2023 of our Belong program being successful in the Pinellas County jail system. Belong was later expanded into weekly gatherings in the Pinellas County jails where male inmates were able to not only participate but even help lead gatherings. Believers there have now become empowered and equipped to reach the other 3,000 men in the jail system. This has led to over 400 salvations!

With multiple roles to fill every week there is a surplus of opportunities for people to serve and grow in their giftings. Rather than letting a few people perform all of the key roles we train members to graduate from the program and get involved. So this ministry also serves as a great vehicle to help disciple and equip people to become servant leaders.

Brian Holmes, president and lead pastor of MPowered Christian Ministries, is the Belong Director for Generation Church in Largo, FL. We invite you to visit their weekly Belong Gathering as a guest to check it out for yourself and see it in action. Let MPowered Christian Ministries help establish a Belong Ministry in your church. This approach could also be used to reach your neighbors and expand a house church or small discipleship group.