Lady Gaga Illuminati Satan 2017 Super Bowl Performance Conspiracy Theory

 In Spiritual Warfare
Lady Gaga Super Bowl 2017 Satan Illuminati

Lady Gaga Super Bowl 2017 Satan Illuminati

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

This is a letter of warning and edification for some, and a letter of admonishment for others. If this is news to you then this article will be the beginnings of your official eye-opening. If you’re already well-versed in the ins and outs of this epidemic then continue to read on anyways to make sure you’re going about exposing this in the right way.

For the latter half of the 20th century, Satan has infiltrated Hollywood and mainstream music and media to push a not only fleshly but truly satanic agenda into the impressionable young minds of Americans. Sometimes its overtly obvious devil-worshipping chants to Lucifer with devil horns hand signs raised at a rock concert, but sometimes its insidiously hidden in the seductive lure of deceived pop artists and movies and in hidden occult imagery and new age ideas. If this is the first time you’ve ever stepped out of your comfort zone and actually explored the depths of this in our society, however warranted it us, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Rest assured that it’s a tough pill to swallow at first, but you’ll thank me later for opening your eyes.

If this is news to you, then it’s your responsibility to become educated and learn how to protect your family from these not-so-uncommon harmful ungodly influences. Good Fight Ministries, owned by Pastor Joe Schimmel of Blessed Hope Chapel in CA, has created many documentaries, articles, and videos on this exposing the works of darkness in American society and culture. Much of it is available for free on their YouTube channel. I highly recommend them as a good example of how we can become educated about this, protect ourselves from it, and the proper way we should respond to it.

Satanic Super Bowl Performances

It should be no surprise that if Satan (including various satanic religious cults and organizations such as the Illuminati) wanted to orchestrate a large public worship that not only glorified Satan but also advertently influenced millions of impressionable people the Super Bowl would be the premium place to do it. The Super Bowl averages over 50 million viewers so it is premium exposure to the masses. Good Fight Ministries has created several exposes of past Super Bowl performances including (Beyonce, The Super Bowl, Sasha & Satan) and (Katy Perry, the Super Bowl and Satan) – whom most of us would not have thought of as satanic stereotypes. This makes it all the more shocking! Some of the exposes by Good Fight are eerie, to say the least. I personally found their exposes on musical pop artists (Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader) and Beyonce quite chilling.

A few days prior to yesterday’s Super Bowl, Good Fight posted a video about (Lady Gaga, the Super Bowl, Satanic Spirit Cooking and Child Sacrifice.) While her Super Bowl performance hadn’t yet occurred they provided the basis for discerning Christians to question what she “might” do during her performance based on her previously documented spiritual history. Several topics were discussed during the expose including a connection between Gaga and risqué artist Marina Abromovic and former chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, John Podesta.

Given the precedent set forth by previous questionable Super Bowl halftime performances it was wise for us to consider what we might prepare ourselves for, or out rightly prevent ourselves from, by just skipping the performance altogether. In fact, there was even a small movement that boycotted watching the performance, and orchestrated a collective turning of their TV’s off during the halftime show, so that the ratings would show a dip. They had hoped to show their allegiance to Christ, and hopefully leave a noticeable impression on the executives responsible for selecting the artists every year. I didn’t participate in doing this but I would certainly love to see more godly artists and songs next year, or at the very least more neutral.

Right and Wrong Way To Expose Evil

Somewhat unfortunately, Good Fight Ministries is not the only Christian ministry exposing these artists and media in our culture. On YouTube alone, there are a dozen or more individuals who are also doing it—just not with the appropriate care or maturity that it requires. Several individuals, who collectively have easily well over half a million subscribers on YouTube, are also exposing these same people (and many others) but not doing so with what I feel is proper theological or spiritual maturity. People, organizations, movies, television shows, music artists, etc. are all being painted with a broad brush and demonized as pure evil. I agree that evil needs to be exposed but I also think how we do it is of utmost importance.

The world does not need half a million or more arrogant, close-minded, bigoted Christians repeating the same vile, demonizing rhetoric as these YouTubers. I’ve read through the comments; their fans are modeling their ideology and behavior and attacking others (even other Christians) who disagree. It is becoming almost cult-like. Many of these same people are also part of the KJV-only movement. It seems as though these “leaders” have attracted those young Christians who are gullible, those more likely to be conspiracy theory-minded, and given them a spiritual reason to back up, and further amplify, their zealous conspiracy mindset.

“With God for me, who can be against me?” With religious fervor they are lashing out and attacking others, burning bridges of communication with non-believers, as well as Christian unity along the way. They are building up an arrogant mindset of zealousness and self-righteousness that has these believers no longer embracing Christ-like characteristics of humility, love, God-centeredness, rational thinking, godly wisdom, and true spiritual discernment. These are qualities Christians are not to lose. This is the same kind of actually-quite-spiritually-wicked-behavior, fueled by religiously-motivated fervor of “one’s own rightness” that lead previous generations of Christians to massacre innocent and already-surrendered Jews and Muslims during the Crusades and the witches in Salem! Evil thinking and behavior is still evil—even if you’ve mistakenly believed you’re doing it “for God.” The Apostle Paul will tell you he was the worst of sinners – even though his zealousness was “for God.” (1 Timothy 1:12-19) Let us learn from his example, and his Holy Spirit-inspired teachings, and fight the good fight in the right way.

Lady Gaga’s 2017 Super Bowl Performance

First off, overall I was happy with the outcome of Lady Gaga’s performance. I’m not saying that it was perfect, or even good per say, but it could have certainly been much, much worse. I would not say that it was godly by any means, but I thought satanic imagery was minimal, especially when compared to the previous artists I listed earlier, and there were several other things she did that I was happy she did. Lady Gaga has voiced her opinion publicly regarding a bunch of controversial topics of which I would probably disagree with most, if not all, of. However, I think she left most of it out of the performance. Overall, as far as Super Bowl performances go, I think it was a step in the right direction, and in a moment I will provide more detail on why I feel this way.

I was prompted to write this article today after I discovered an abysmal attempt of an expose by a Christian YouTuber here talking about Lady Gaga’s actual Super Bowl performance to his 150K subscriber Christian audience about how utterly satanic and Illuminati-riddled her performance was. I was utterly appalled by his derogatory words, his immature demeanor, and his arrogant attitude throughout the entire video. He demonstrated a complete lack of desire to expose whatever spiritual evil that may have been in the performance in a way that was fair, balanced, unbiased, and Christ-like. I also want to state his method of exegetical interpretation, discernment methodology, and rhetoric is commonplace with most of these conspiracy theorists on YouTube.

For the record, my rebuke is public. I’ve linked to his video so you can access it for yourself and come to your own conclusions if you’d like to. Also before I began this article, I first wrote a comment to him on his video saying most of what I’ve said below. I do welcome future discussion with him and hope that this message could be a blessing to him, his audience, as well as to all of you. I don’t wish to judge his heart. I don’t know him. I believe his religious fervor may be motivated by his love for God. However, so was the Apostle Paul’s when he was murdering Christians. That does not mean that Paul’s, or this YouTuber’s actions are correct or that there aren’t serious consequences for them. If I had 150 people listening to me, much less 150K, I would be extremely careful about the words I use and the things I teach!

If you are new to MPowered Christian, let me just preface by saying that I’m a conservative, biblical pastor and I study world religions and the occult and do deliverance ministry so I’m no novice to evil. The flaws that I comment about in his video are not due to my lack of knowledge on the subject. I am happy that Christians are willing to call out and expose evil, I truly am, but there’s a fruitful way to go about it and a harmful way to go about it.

Using Christian Discernment

During the video, he points out satanic and Illuminati imagery—and completely grasps for straws in my opinion. One would literally need to be forcing themselves to look for it (or so entrenched in conspiracy thinking mindset that they see it in everything even if they’re looking at a blank wall!). You would need to be an expert in Illuminati and Satanism just to even notice any of it. It wasn’t obvious to me. Certainly not enough to dram firm conclusions without a presuppositional bias. Nearly everything in the world has some type of pagan roots to it or some connection to it being used previously by a pagan spiritual belief. He points out the inverted pentagrams, etc. but they weren’t even full stars. If anything, they were (maybe) half star designs—but even that’s a stretch. There were triangles but I’m sorry not all triangles are satanic. God created logic and geometry and triangles, not Satan. If it’s truly occultic and there then it’s there, but if it’s not, don’t force it!

He went into detail about the checkerboard platform she performed standing on and its Illuminati symbolism. First off, this was a stretch as it wasn’t even an actual checkerboard pattern. Rationalizing this away he describes that it’s close enough and shows graphics of checkerboard patterns being used by masonic lodges. I enjoy the game of chess, am I worshipping Satan? Did you know that the game of chess existed at least seven centuries before the Illuminati was even formed? Modern chess was actually influenced by medieval English Christianity, including characters such as the “bishop” which have been a key piece since the mid-12th century! The game even predates then going back hundreds of years to the Knights Templar, which were basically covert Christian military soldiers. Conspiracy theorists usually say that the Roman Catholic Church, the Knights Templar, the Pope, the Saints, and just about everything else is also satanic and “in on it.” Never mind the fact that without all of these remnants throughout Christian history playing a part in the progression of the revealing of God’s kingdom we wouldn’t even have Christianity as we know it. In fact, just last week I played checkers with my Christian grandmother on the same checkerboard pattern – were we really worshipping Satan? Checkers has been around in various forms since 3,000 BC!

Just because a religious cult or cult-like organization uses a design doesn’t mean they own it. They usually get it by borrowing from others in the past, just like everything else has. Almost everything has some type of pagan origin or influence. Sunday is now the Lord’s Day, but it is named after “the sun god” and Thursday is named after “Thor’s day.” Wedding bands, birthdays, planets, you name it—even in the Book of Revelation Jesus referred to Hell as “Hades” named after the Roman god of the netherworld. Was Jesus pagan? Does that mean that the Roman god Hades really exists? Of course not! Jesus is using the name Hades because His audience is familiar with it in order to communicate a message about a true reality. Seriously brothers and sisters, true discernment means we need to weigh evidence and use reason and use humility in request before God to see everything in spirit and truth!

God Bless America

When we see people glorifying evil, whether in word or deed, we need to expose it and denounce it—in a Christ-like way. When we see people glorifying God, or anything godly, in word or deed, we need to see God working in the background of it, unveil it and magnify it, and praise God for it!

If you haven’t seen the performance here it is: Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl LI Halftime Show

This YouTuber pointed out all of these “possibly coincidental” things, and things that are (at best) possibly hidden symbolism—and then completely ignores and doesn’t even mention whatsoever the elements that are EXTREMELY OBVIOUS godly elements within her performance! For instance, in America liberals have been systematically trying to remove God out of everything in the public sphere: schools, laws, Pledge of Allegiance, government buildings, etc. This is no doubt a major work of Satan, disguised as “progressivism.” If he can successfully remove God as the foundation of our “unalienable rights,” and from the minds of the people, and from the dealings and laws of our nation, then it is that much easier to destroy Christianity’s influence on our society.

It is a huge deal, that I’m quite proud of Gaga actually, for beginning her performance with a rendition of “GOD bless America.” During the song, she says (to God presumably) “Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with the light from above.” To us, she then declared: “This land was made for you and me.” Did you get that? Made, as in created by a Creator, for you and me. She then stated the most important part of our Pledge of Allegiance: “One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Now I am sure that this is part of her larger liberal political agenda for equality and unity. However, while conservatives dislike some of the things that the equality movement stands for, and has tried to do (that is actually far from equality) we are actually for equality and liberty and justice for all—just not at the expense of conservative values. Our goal should be to unite and bless the people of this country without removing God, and godliness, from our country—in this way we actually do bless the people of our great land. People can have liberty to choose what seems good for them and it still not be accepted as normal and good within our society. It is freedom and equality and liberty that says they can pursue a lifestyle that is different and they won’t be arrested or persecuted for it. That is a major thing. Changing our society to embrace that lifestyle is not equality—it’s conformity. Either way, I like that she attempted to unify our country under God and so deserves credit for that because it’s a bold, and good, move on her part.

God Plans A Super Bowl Appearance

Is that a crazy subtitle? Haha! As illustrated in the Lady Gaga video by Good Fight Ministries earlier Lady Gaga isn’t really known for her public embrace of Christianity or godly values. It might be a leap for me to arrive at the (possible) conclusion I’m going to outline but I know God works in mysterious ways. After several years of ungodly Super Bowl performances – just maybe – God decided to make an appearance. I hope you already know that God can, and does, change hearts and minds and set up events to happen for His own glory. Later on in her performance, Lady Gaga performed her song ‘Million Reasons’ at (7:40 in the video) during which the chorus reads: “I bow down to pray.. Lord, show me the way..” and later on, “every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith.”

I was suspicious if this “lord” could’ve been Satan so I looked up all the lyrics and I also watched her official music video for this song just to make sure she’s not calling Satan, lord—and she is not—as far as I can tell she is clearly talking about the Lord Jesus Christ! The song is both talking about a relationship with a guy but also, I would argue, that it might be talking about a journey with her family and in her faith with Jesus. At the pinnacle of the video she receives a note from her sibling that says “love you sis” and a rosary as a gift. It also cuts to a memory of a guy behind her putting his arms around her but all you can see is his hands and a cross hanging from his neck.

At the very least she is making it easy so that millions of her followers could watch this video and jump to this conclusion. This makes it easy for other people to see Christianity in a positive light, perhaps even being open to other influences in their lives leading them to Jesus. I don’t think Satan would want people to see “reconciling with your family” and “returning to Jesus” as the happy ending of an emotional song so I’m led to conclude that God inspired this song and video.

According to this article her ‘Million Reasons’ song just premiered a few months ago in October of 2016. It was co-written by country writer Hillary Lindsey who also wrote mega hits like “Jesus Take the Wheel.” I thought it was interesting that in the interview Gaga says that “On working with Lindsey, I wanted to sit together, play her some of the music, and write with another woman — and write with a woman that was sort of in the center of the type of women, and men, that I wanted to speak to with this music. So what was so wonderful was when we sat down and started working, it was like this instant connection that we had.” So maybe Satan is trying to disguise himself as an “angel of light” but perhaps God orchestrated this meeting, this song, this video, and its appearance at the Super Bowl! This happened just prior to her receiving the opportunity. It is possible. I don’t know the truth in Gaga’s heart, and I can only postulate that this was God’s design. It could all be coincidental but just because she isn’t a godly person that doesn’t mean that God can’t still use her, either way, to accomplish His purposes!

A Call For Christian Discernment

Now to be clear, I’m not saying that Gaga doesn’t have a dark past and some dark stuff going on. I won’t ignore all of the evidence for that. That’s why I gave you evidence of that first. I’m not saying that she doesn’t have some demons and that she isn’t struggling with some real evil. I’m not saying that she doesn’t have occult ties to the Illuminati, she probably does have all of these things. I’m not saying that I agree with her scantily-clad performance, or doing her song that tells people that they are “born that way” and that its ok to remain that way. I’m not saying that I don’t strongly oppose her pro-abortion stance or any of her other liberal ideology. I’m not saying she’s a Christian or that she doesn’t still need to be born again and give her life to Christ. I’m just saying that EVERY CHRISTIAN needs to believe that God can win over anyone! I’m saying that every Christian needs to know that God can and does use all the works of the devil, and ungodly people, and ungodly events, to still bring glory to Himself. We need to know that God is ALWAYS in control!

If we focus so much on what Satan is doing—that we miss out on what God is doing—we have lost our way!

It is theologically inconsistent with God’s sovereignty, and downright near-blasphemous, for people to go on and on about how Satan uses the media and pop culture for his satanic agenda and yet deny that God is not only allowing that to happen but also working it all out for His own purposes—for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose—for His own glory. We cannot fail to miss how God’s glory is shining through all of these people and events. We cannot focus on evil in such a way that we fail to see God working amidst the evil in our world and see how Christ is constantly defeating Satan in spiritual battles and winning hearts and souls for His kingdom every single day! Make no mistake the world is evil—but God is sovereign over all of it and Jesus is Lord and King and over and above all of it and His kingdom is reigning supreme!

Conspiracy theorists are so consumed with finding the evil that they rob God of His glory!

It is also wrong to demonize people—instead of demonizing beliefs and actions. Every single person, even those doing grave evil, is a prodigal son that Jesus died for and whom God is offering forgiveness to and calling home. They may not have received it yet, or ever, but that should be our goal: converting people, not condemning people. All people, those giving in to evil on a greater scale, as well as those of us who are just a little sinful and fleshly, have a war raging within us at ALL TIMES. It’s not some good people and some bad people. You can’t do that with human beings – and lump them all into you’re in/you’re out categories. That is what causes bigotry and ungodly behavior—and even in the name of God!

ALL people are created in God’s image and deserve love and dignity and need to be given every effort to be saved!

We’re all redeemed sinners! The Bible is full of sinful people that God changed! You and I were sinful people that God changed! It’s sinful people who face temptations every day. Some of us live in greater spiritual truth than others. It is more fruitful to see “godly beliefs vs. ungodly beliefs” and “godly actions vs. ungodly actions” instead of branding and demonizing an entire person. I believe Gaga is still deceived and practicing wickedness, as are millions of other people I also love, but I still love them and pray for them and have hope for them. And I also will give her, and all others, credit, and praise God, when they do something right! Give credit where credit is due. Don’t demonize any and everything a person you labeled as “out” does.

The more lost a person is, the more we need to congratulate every single step they take in the right direction towards Jesus.

Lady Gaga is still publicly demonstrating that this war is still going on in her. We need to celebrate ANY situation where God is getting some glory and praise God for that. If you want to point out evil then make sure it is warranted, and do so with the love of Christ, leading them to the gospel—but also point out the good that is happening. We need to be praying for her and everyone like her, and embracing whatever good decisions she makes—not bashing her like this YouTuber calling her lady barf bag. Do they think that someone stumbling onto this video is going to come to repentance and faith in the gospel of Christ as a result of watching this video? No! Be salt and light—not self-righteous and arrogant!

Let your life be a testimony and your words drawing others to an opportunity to hear the gospel!

They seriously need to grow up and realize that people with 150K impressionable subscribers paying attention to them need to act like a mature leader of God’s people! Not to mention hundreds of thousands of other young, immature Christians are finding them on YouTube and believing the lie that close-minded, conspiracy theorist bigotry, and verbally attacking people (including other Christians who disagree) is the proper way for them to act! Whether it’s one or a million and one, be a good steward of the people the Lord has blessed you with. God bless all who read this and I pray that He opens the eyes of your hearts to biblical and spiritual wisdom and truth and helps all of us be mature disciples of Christ who think and act in ways that will glorify God and move the hearts of the lost towards Him.

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