Is it ok for a Christian to own tarot cards?

 In Christian Living

No. They are a form of divination.

Anything used to either contact the dead, the spirit realm, or “divine” (uncover) otherwise hidden information is forbidden and sinful.

God has proscribed specific ways to gain wisdom and knowledge and this NEVER includes practices that fall under the category of divination. It always is based on His Word, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines designed to deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

FYI, the reason these things are forbidden is because they expose us and make us more vulnerable to demonic influences.

It basically falls under the broader sin category of “witchcraft.” Just having accursed objects like this in your house can open doors to the demonic. Having a history of using them, and/or curses in your bloodline related to it, can increase this exponentially.

You would want to verbally repent to God and ask forgiveness, in the name of Jesus, for participating in any form of sinful occultism and witchcraft.

Put it under the blood of Jesus and know that you are forgiven by faith in His finished work on the cross.

Renounce, out loud, declaring with your mouth in faith, by the authority you have in Christ, any spirits that may have been given access to you as a result and declare that they are now cut off from you completely in the name of Jesus and they must leave immediately!

Also, if you have a history of these kinds of beliefs or behaviors, repent, and then renounce each one of them by name. Be as specific as possible. I’d also break all curses of divination and witchcraft, etc in the name of Jesus.

Then (or rather, even before all of the above) get rid of all of it. The best thing to do is burn them if you have a fire pit or a metal trash can, etc. If not, then smash it and throw into the trash.

God bless you for asking this and for seeking His will and His righteousness. Do the above and you will do well.

And please ignore the foolish advice of “Christians” who say that there are some okay ways to use Tarot. Seriously. If only they dealt with demons like I do they would know how utterly foolish this statement is.

Are tarot cards demonic?

A follow up question I’ve gotten to this is if the cards are demonic?

Well, the answer is both Yes and No.

No, regarding the actual cards themselves. The devil is a personal being. Tarot cards are an impersonal object.

The devil, “Satan,” was an originally-created by God as good, but then later corrupt and fallen spirit being (cherub “angel”) that became wicked and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven to the spiritual realm on Earth. We identify him and the others that fell with him now as demons.

The devil and his demons seek to steal, kill, and destroy humanity and influence us to do evil and to rebel against God and to worship them.

One of the many ways they can do this is by responding to the unlawful and spiritually ignorant practice of human divination. This is the practice of humans seeking divine or hidden knowledge that must be discovered through supernatural means.

These divinatory practices are essentially spiritual seeking and prayers that can be responded to by any spiritual being. God’s Word (the Bible) teaches that this is an evil, forbidden practice. Thus God assures us that neither God, nor any of His good angels, will respond to such practices. Therefore, the only beings that do are fallen angels, demons.

Divination can take many forms and is not limited to certain objects, materials, religions, or cultures. Tarot cards are one form of divination.

Divination is never innocent. It is always unlawful and requires a rejection of the inner moral law of God that has been provided in creation within the human conscience. It requires a belief in a spiritual reality, and a desire to connect with it, and gain personal benefit from it, without necessarily acknowledging the God of creation, recognizing one’s own sinfulness, or turning away from sin.

Divination has always been recognized as an immoral and unlawful practice since the first books of the Bible were penned by Moses c. 1,500 BC. The rest of the Law, Prophets, Psalms, and New Testament all confirm this standard.

The use of Tarot cards will 1) make a person guilty of the sin of divination, 2) give legal right for demons to have greater access to you, 3) expose you to demonic teachings and insights and thus defile you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, 4) cause further separation between you and God, 5) cause further separation between you knowing and embracing faith in the truth.

Abstain from their use and if you own any, destroy them. Pray to God asking for forgiveness of these sins, and to cut off and remove any demonic attachments in you as a result of their use.

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