Is it contradictory to believe in Evolution and God?

 In Christian Apologetics

contradiction evolution and godNo, because of the variety of interpretations of “god”. It would be, however, definitely contradictory to believe in any of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), or any other religion that believes in an intelligent Creator God and still believe in evolution.

Theories have been postulated, such as theistic evolution, but my personal belief is that they fall apart under careful scrutiny and logistical analysis. Evolution, by scientific definition, is a blind, unguided, and completely random process, therefore it cannot coexist with any intelligent design. If it was evolution that God “tweaks” or even “pre-planned” to get His desired results ultimately then it would not be evolution but rather really slow and inefficient design.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the questioner is referring to foundational or essential design of life by an intelligent designer God (creationism) and neo-darwinian macro-evolution (i.e. single-celled organisms evolving into various species of highly-complex diverse life including humans) as to the type of design/evolution we’re talking about. It would be contradictory to say “God intelligently designed man -AND- man was created by random, unguided mutations acting upon natural selection.”

However, evolution could still be valid, and coexist with a creation model, if we’re talking about micro-evolution, or small changes in variation, as opposed to macro-evolution, or large systemic variations in an organisms development. For instance, an example of micro-evolution is all dogs coming from a single ancestral species of dog and then diversifing into various breeds of dog. Science proves this and creationism supports it. God created dog, cat, human, etc. and the evolutionary process could allow those species to adapt and change. The species never cross over and create new functioning and improved species though. They remain their own “kind.”

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