Prioritize Your Life Personal Leadership Course and Workshop for Christians | MPowered Christian

Prioritize Your Life

12-Week Personal Leadership Course & Workshop for Christians

Section One: Putting First Things First (Weeks 1-4)
Section Two: Discovering Your Calling (Weeks 5-8)
Section Three: Putting It All Together (Weeks 9-12)

Workshop Outline:

Week 1

Prioritize Your Life lesson-1-cover-dont-be-a-goat-600pxWeek 1 – Don’t Be A Goat!

In this lesson we consider the most fundamental question: how to know you’re saved. Examining Jesus’s and Paul’s teachings we identify ways Christians are supposed to live and lead, and gain insights on how to be a sheep that leads other sheep.

Week 2

Prioritize Your Life lesson-2-cover-prepare-for-the-bema-judgment-600pxWeek 2 – Prepare For The Bema Judgment

In this lesson we learn about the Judgment that all Christians will go through. We will explore the things that Jesus will be looking for and get ideas for how to prioritize our lives to earn eternal rewards that will not be burned up in the fire.

Week 3

Prioritize Your Life lesson-3-cover-truth-about-the-rapture-and-the-tribulation-600pxWeek 3 – The Truth About The Rapture And The Tribulation

In this lesson we do an in-depth study of what the Bible has to say about the End Times events. With a firm grasp on what to expect we can prepare both ourselves and those we minister to, to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically ready.

Week 4

Prioritize Your Life lesson-4-cover-begin-with-the-end-in-mind-600pxWeek 4 – Begin With The End In Mind

In this lesson we reflect on the abstract, nature, and purpose of the Christian life. We’ll get personal and explore the current condition and desires of your heart, and discover, organize, and prioritize your values and identify ways to grow in your key values.

Week 5

Prioritize Your Life lesson-5-cover-more-foundations-in-calling-600pxWeek 5 – MORE: Foundations in Calling

In this lesson we survey the landscape of what all Christians are called to Become, to Do with their life, and where to Go. We explore these in general and then get personal and embark on a journey of self-discovering of your own unique personal calling.

Week 6

Prioritize Your Life lesson-6-cover-becoming-your-best-600pxWeek 6 – Becoming Your Best

In this lesson we explore how to know and embrace to the fullest your primary identity as a child of God and a disciple of Christ. We will help you discover your unique identity as God has uniquely created and gifted you for your unique personal transformation.

Week 7

Prioritize Your Life lesson-7-cover-doing-your-best-purpose-600pxWeek 7 – Doing Your Best Purpose

In this lesson we expand beyond identity and explore the core mission of Christians and what it means to be a disciple-maker. We will then help you discover your unique mission field that God has uniquely created and prepared you for to serve in.

Week 8

Week 8 – Going To Your Best Mission Field

In this lesson we explore your existing relationships to see where you have the most influence to make disciples. We will also help you discover your unique position of personal calling bringing in the elements of your unique identity and mission purpose.

Week 9

Week 9 – The Vision: Big Rocks, Roles and Goals

In this lesson we create the vision that brings together what we’ve learned about your values, roles, goals, calling, and spiritual gifts from all of the previous lessons. We will also explore your Highest Priorities, learn the 4 Quadrants, and dream up Goals.

Week 10

Week 10 – Develop Personal Mission Statement

In this lesson we take what you’ve learned about yourself thus far and develop your own personal mission statement. This will amplify your focus on the essentials, while also capturing all the valuables, and in a way that will inspire you along your journey.

Week 11

Week 11 – Take Action: Lighting the Fire

In this lesson we create a S.M.A.R.T. Action Plan that brings together your personal vision and mission and teach you how to turn it into highly organized, actionable, and prioritized annual, monthly, weekly, and daily to-do lists for you to act upon.

Week 12

Week 12 – Disciplined: From Planning to Doing

In this lesson we discuss the common pitfalls and obstacles that prevent people from accomplishing their goals. We explore ways to develop self-discipline, master our emotions, develop new habits, and set up a lifestyle for success and victory.

Live Workshop

Location: TBD (Not currently available)

Schedule: TBD
Length: 12 Weeks
Time: 1.5 hours once per week
(includes 15 min for Q&A)

Cost: $125.00 (If paid by attendees)
Monthly payment option: $45/month auto-debit
*Churches may also pay our speaking fee and then just allow attendees to come at no charge

Live Online Webinar

Location: Worldwide via Internet

Schedule: TBD (Not currently available)
Length: 12 Weeks
Time: 7:30pm – 9:00pm EDT/UTC-4 every week (convert)
(includes 15 min for Q&A)

Cost: $95.00 (If paid by attendees)
Monthly payment option: $35/month auto-debit
*Churches may also pay a discounted group rate and provide their members access at no charge

Entire Workshop (12 Session)

Description: Our entire 12-week program (<$1/day!). Can be used by individuals for personal study or for presentations in traditional churches, or within home churches, Bible studies, or small groups. Single license – We only require that you not sell them to others or give the materials away to other individuals or organizations. But you are free to use them to teach as many or as often as you’d like! We want you to build communities, spread knowledge, and help make disciples and create revival!


  • Lifetime Access to full length, ad-free videos online
  • Downloadable PDF version of all PowerPoints
  • You’re free to add or remove slides
  • Printable, brandable Study Guides
  • Printable, brandable Quizzes
  • Printable, brandable Group Discussion Questionnaires
  • Bonus materials added as they are developed
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge
  • Online certificate of completion
  • Permission to teach our material

Cost: $179.99

*Currently in production. Email Us to be notified when it is complete!

Online Course (Single Session)

Description: A single session from our workshop. Can be used by individuals for personal study or for presentations in traditional churches, or within home churches, Bible studies, or small groups. Single license – We only require that you not sell them to others or give the materials away to other individuals or organizations. But you are free to use them to teach as many or as often as you’d like! We want you to build communities, spread knowledge, and help make disciples and create revival!


  • Lifetime Access to full length, ad-free videos online
  • Downloadable PDF version of all PowerPoints
  • You’re free to add or remove slides
  • Printable, brandable Study Guides
  • Printable, brandable Quizzes
  • Printable, brandable Group Discussion Questionnaires
  • Bonus materials added as they are developed
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge
  • Online certificate of completion
  • Permission to teach our material

Cost: $19.99

*Select Courses Currently Available in our Online Academy here or
at Udemy (50% off with promo code “MPOWERED1_SINGLE”)

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Get a preview of some things you’ll learn…

Live Workshop Details: This course is introductory in nature but it is also theologically rich and packed with biblical reading.Please come alert and ready to learn. Pre-paid admission only. Must bring receipt to attend live workshop. Payment deadline recommendation is one week prior to the start of the workshop. For Live Workshops participants, study guide worksheets will be provided upon arrival for you to follow along with the presentation, to take notes on, and provide links to supplementary resources. Please bring a pen and a pad/book to write on top.

Online Webinar Details: A custom link will be emailed to you prior to the webinar to download and print your study guide worksheet to follow along with. You will also receive a separate email with information to access the webinar.

Online Course/Digital Download Details: You can purchase both the full course or a single lesson. Includes access to ad-free, full-length videos, as well as all PowerPoints, PDF versions of the PowerPoints, and the printable, brandable study guides. We not only permit but encourage their use in teaching in traditional churches, home churches, Bible studies, and small groups.

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