This is a radically different vision for church!

Our Action System helps church leaders empower and mobilize their churches into being more missional disciples working together within their communities.

Too many Christians are simply sitting in pews on Sunday or attending Bible studies, life groups, discipleship groups, church events, etc. They’re often either not serving at all or only serving during church-led services or events.

There’s a better way! We’re called not only to BE but also to DO and GO!

The real key is that, when left to ourselves, we will accomplish very little. We were meant to partner with one another and work together to glorify God, proclaim the gospel to the lost, and transform culture.

Our Action System is a three-part plan to help churches get started educating, training, and mobilizing their church members into discovering THEIR passion and calling, organizing around others interested in the same passion, and then actively doing something about it!

So it’s not about churches deciding what is important and telling them what to do. It is about equipping members with the outline and tools to do it themselves.

And with their own passion and calling uniting them they will be much more productive for God’s kingdom! And no, it won’t make them less interested in participating in the church-led events. It will do the opposite.

We can provide just option 1 by guest speaking, help with option 1 and 2, or help with all 3 options. We could just help you get started and set up and help later through virtual coaching, or help with full on management. It’s up to you.

Option 1:

Action Speaking

We speak once or several times at your church.

We provide an engaging and empowering topical sermon or lecture to motivate and inspire your people to action. Test the waters and see how your church responds to the invitation to be more missional and action-oriented. You can choose the specific topic/theme or we can recommend one based on your beliefs, vision, maturity, culture, and goals.

Option 2:

Action Workshops

We host a workshop or conference series of workshops at your church.

Already know you want to go in a certain direction and are ready? We provide a longer form workshop series to go deeper from a range of topics/themes. We can provide a workshop that takes either your whole church, or people interested in that specific topic/theme deeper. We integrate activities into empowering them to be able to do it on their own in the future.

The event could be offered for free, free only to members, or charge for tickets and promote it to attract potential new members. This is a great way to not only attract the right kind of people – engaged Christians committed to serving and being involved.

Multiple formats available to choose from: weekday or weekend conference, multi-Sunday guest sermon series, live virtual webinar, or live webinar with breakout group workshop.

Option 3:

Action Groups

We help you plan, launch, and/or manage an action groups program.

As part of your conference/workshop, or in the weeks following, we help you establish an action groups program. We can help train someone you select that will be responsible for managing the program. We can also help your church identify interested members in your church in specific action topics and establish several action groups.

If you already have a small groups program you can keep your current system and just add this new type of group to it. If you don’t have a small group system yet we will work with your staff to help you set up one. We help provide them with the online hub for them to stay connected, and are also available with training and guidance for them to identify a need, vision, strategy, and executable plans to be proactive together to change their communities.

The vision for Action Groups is to identify various passions that members share in common and then connect them solely to do something about it. Study, life, and discipleship will happen along the way but this isn’t the reason to meet. Groups would be independently self-governed by members who will have to step up into leadership roles, discover their gifts, talents, and abilities, and learn how to work together.

Your leadership will provide help however you’re able and we’re here to help any way we can. We’re doing believers a disservice if they’re not learning how to be a disciple that works with others to answer their calling to advance God’s kingdom.

The more they rely on official clergy leadership the more they’ll see themselves as laity/audience/spectator. Every believer should be encouraged to discover their highest potential! Enough micro-managing. Enough church functions that are primarily internal activities that never reach the outside.